Thomas Henderson - Broken Heart v2

2014-11-07 2

I wake up to your birds of your voice; you say you love me to the darkest hour
I say I love you to even more, I go to school, I see you kiss another on there lips of wine. The blood in me starts to boil to a steam. I get very angry with you,
So go away and get out of my life I want to be alone with this broken heart
I don’t want to see another soul. My broken heart beats real slowly like the beating of an Indian rain dance drum going slower and slower until it stops.
But it just beats enough blood to keep me alive. Keep me from the souls of happiness Keep me form the pain of others, Keep me form this broken heart
Keep me form this light and Find me away to save my heart form being broken
Just do that for me in the face of the end. I will walk alone in the shadows
I look in the shadows for some answers; I hope to stay in the shadows
And never be pulled out of them, Come to the shadows with your broken hearts
But leave me in peace and I will not bother you. Just leave me here to disappear
With this broken heart in the real world of sinfulness. The pain of the loss of you will burn in me forever and never go away when I see you.

Thomas Henderson