Francisco R. Albano - Another Theory Of Echoes

2014-11-07 1

In the beginning
Before beginnings
God said
Let there be light
And his voice traveled
And returned
As light
Again he said
Let there be
Let there be
And his echoes
Sky and earth
And waters in-between
Flora and fauna
Sun moon stars
And God was delighted
He shouted eternity
And time burst
Birthing sound
The form and content
Of Man and Woman
God named all
Then Man and Woman
Looked around
And into themselves
And saw it all
And were delighted
They said
Let there be Poetry
Of us
And everything
Around us
And they heard
Become echoes
Heard them returning
To eternity through time
Through silence
Of themselves
And heard not themselves
But the Voice
Of the One
Who uttered them
Then they sinned
And were forgiven
Sinned again
And were forgiven
They saw Paradise
Become Chaos
Around them
In them
And they said
Let there be Poetry
And Chaos gathered
In pain and sorrow
In comfort and joy
Became Paradise
Of Man and Woman
Who again heard
The echoes
Heard them travelling
Painfully slowly
Through their time
Of Man and Woman
Let there be Poetry
They said
Said it like a prayer
And the echoes
Of Chaos
Shimmering Chaos
Rose and rose
And merged with
The Voice
Who worded all
In the beginning
Before beginnings
And All were

Francisco R. Albano