Captured by my emotions
Mixed feelings race within
Struggling to embrace this dreadful
dirty deed I’ve gotten myself in.
Knowing fully well,
that the next lie I’m soon to tell
Is charting my course to many more
A road leading straight to hell.
With no regard for the picture
I paint so grimly for myself
I tuck the truth and the freedom
It provides, neatly on the shelf
I lock away the transgression
my mind and body have performed,
while all the while thinking
no harm has really been done.
I pray one day that I see the light that shines so bright
The light of repentance that will
restore all my sleepless nights.
I pray that when I realize I am completely consumed
by the internal torment I have begun
That the Lord up above would forgive me
and that I would be redeemed by His one and only Son.
13.January 2008
Mary Wismer