We are the perfect couple to the outside world,
with precious children, a boy and a girl.
A white picket fence surrounds our home,
our thoughts wander, our eyes roam.
When she came along, my heart sang a different song.
The truth must come out, it’s time for all to know.
We have been living a life of lies and fairytale shows.
The closet will open, suppressed feelings unveiled.
We are good people with saddened heavy hearts.
It is now time for the true love story to start.
It’s difficult to say we no longer love each other that way,
as of today, we announce - we are gay-.
My darling husband, I love you like a brother or friend,
but my true love lies with- my -best friend.
It is she whom I long for in the middle of the night.
When my eyes close, she lives in my sight.
You my husband, are living a life of lies too.
I know you love someone who cares deeply for you.
Let the lies die and the truth come forth.
Let your heart sing and the bells of freedom ring.
We’re coming out to live our truth,
our feelings suppressed since the days of our youth.
Oh the peace is felt so deep inside,
no more tears, no more reason to hide.
Written: Jan.11/08
Note: This is a true story, of a man and a woman who thought
they could live their life as a straight couple. They married, had
two children but never found happiness or peace as a couple.
Melvina Germain