Shane Clift - Would you miss me

2014-11-07 5

I am sad and don't really know why.
Did Juliet know what she was doing when she died?
Was it love or did she hurt so much she wanted to go above?
Would you miss me if I left? Would you know I was gone? Would you care if I dared?
I have two lives to live for but I keep hurting more and more.
I cannot control this overwhelming feeling of dread.
I am sad, cant figure out why. My smile has disappeared even when I look to the sky.
Emotions overcome me, peace I crave. My tears are streaming, I can't stop them. My kids I don't want them to see me this way.
It's hard to know which way to go.
My light is dark the sun is low.
Would you miss me if I went?
The bath is warm still I am cold emotions have drained me, don't know where to go.
I am tired and drained guess we will never really know.
Would you miss me? Would you care? If I go? If I dared?

Shane Clift