Mary Havran - We Mark But A Moment

2014-11-07 7

We mark by a mere moment
The changing of the year
Our feeble inadequate measure
Of time as something linear

With mortal eyes we envision
Time by but the briefest bit
Unable to grasp the concept
Of an eternity beyond quit

So, yes, we call it a New Year
With our need to quantify
A mystery beyond our grasp
That mortality can’t defy

Time flows in all directions
Beyond numbers on a page
By no calendar can we tame it
Or hold it in any cage

We pretend to own the power
To manage time and space
While we are but the merest specks
Occupying our small place

As you count down that last minute
Before twelve shows on the clock
Try hard to just imagine
Mysteries we can’t unlock

The brightest of human mind
Compares as but a fool
When considering the eternal
Over time we have no rule

Mary Havran