Ted Sheridan - When a blind man asks for directions....

2014-11-07 4

When a blind man asks for directions

I know I’m stupid
I can feel it creep up behind me everyday
Taping that elementary sign on my back
That reads “Kick Me”
I know it’s just another case of the dumb ass
But still I ask who’s there?
The answer is always the same…”No one stupid”
I pretend and let on like I know what I’m doing
I learned that from watching TV and politics
I learned to cheat myself in school
Where doing homework was foolish
And grades only meant you failed
Passing ones self off as an intellectual was easy
Requiring only silent and concentrating stares
To pull it off
Gee…what a deep thinker he is they’d say
Give that boy an A
A’s don’t mean anything more than a Z
Because when you stand in line you take a number
Not a letter stupid
I know I’m stupid
My father told me to keep my mouth shut and no one would ever know
He was right but also wrong…I knew I was stupid and when no one else did
I thought….Gee…I’m not alone….but I was
I used to read Mark Twain as a kid
He made me fill normal
Like maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to be stupid like Tom or Huck
Maybe….it was just luck
And not smarts
Maybe….stupid is the new smart
Like sixty is the new forty…
Like life is like a box of chocolates…
What a load of crap
When a blind man ask you for directions next time
And see what he does…

2007 © T Sheridan

Ted Sheridan
