Waves of life lap an eternal beach
each one taking on its form
from moon and stars and sun
each wave a single wave of life
born of the one same ocean
and infinitesimally shaping the coastline
of an unseen continent
as they rise and fall
on an endless beach.
Waves of life playing as they dance
and meet and merge
and running, race for the shore
where it seems they are no more.
But their mark remains
on that eternal distant land
unseen by mortal eyes
the waves that carry the human race
to a far off distant place
that never leaves or departs
from the still innermost point
in each and every heart.
Watch the years play out their course
as on the last day of natures year
it endeth here with celebrations
never just for the past
but looking towards the path
to reach that distant shore at last.
David Taylor