Herbert Nehrlich - Yes, You, Rachel

2014-11-07 2

And like a tiny seed
sown by two unknown hands,
it grew.

The rains were late,
and scarce that year,
yet there was beauty
as a dozen tiny leaves,
dark green and curled
reached up to see the sky
and heavy scents of rose
and Lilly of the valley
form sheets of dew
condensing time
as petals spread their thighs
to welcome Spring,
its sap of life
which folds its wings
upon itself
to dwell inside,
where love resides.

It is so easy for us all
to understand how love,
love at first sight
will swoop on us,
at random
and in force,
which brings
a mock tranquility
to dress the emperor
who has no clothes.

The miracle occurs when two,
who spent their lives
in sanctioned company
would speak of LOVE.

Herbert Nehrlich
