Francis Duggan - Made In China

2014-11-07 2

I see this little note book in China has been made
And I can only wonder how much money was paid
To the person who made it perhaps a cent or two
If what we hear of China is anyway near true.

It cost me a dollar fifty that doesn't seem much to pay
For a note book made in China a half a world away
The poor person who made it must live in poverty
And there are billionaires in China how unfair life can be.

I've never been to China to see that famous wall
Though stories about China from others I recall
So densely populated where millions are so poor
Though many who live in China are financially secure.

It only cost a dollar fifty that even seems cheap to me
And I'm seen as a poor bloke in this society
The person who made this note book must work for pittance pay
One of the poor of China a half a world away.

Francis Duggan