The qaulity of your poetry
Has smoked and humbled me
Plethora of expression
Cracked and crumbled me
I'm buzzing like a bumble bee
Love shelters me
Like an umbrella tree
I'm inebriated by poetry
And words I've chugged excessively
Must excrete these clever terds
And piss out this lyrical pee
Before I'm trampled by herds
Of literary mediocrity
Now I'm getting silly with it
Tossing out words all willy nilly
Just cause they rhyme and shit
But I've digressed too far from my point
Everything you explained and said
Soothed me like a glaucoma patient a joint
I'm as happy as I just got head
It's as if your language has massaged my soul
And relaxed my mind, easing the tension
Like coming in from a sort of nervous cold
And being warmed by a friends affection...
Bothar of the Hill People