2014-11-07 2

The river led me to you though the way was hard and long,
It saw me through adversity and taught me to be strong,
For when the doubts beset me that you would be waiting there,
At the river's end I saw you and it kept me from despair.
For the river kept on flowing and its water made me brave,
When I was weak and fading such encouragement it gave,
Following its winding path around each and every bend,
Until I found you waiting for me at my journey's end.

I saw you in the distance there and I began to run,
My weariness deserted me like life had just begun,
And you stood there so lonely hoping that I would return,
Our loving eyes did meet again with passion that did burn.
For the river kept us company when we were so alone,
And we found such comfort there in every rock and stone,
With waters pure we both did drink that kept us both alive,
And led us to each other through the pain we had to strive.

And when I held you once again it felt like yesterday,
That we two were parted and we both then lost our way,
But in my dreams you lingered for I never could forget,
Every time I heard your name I just got so upset.
For the river was the lifeblood and all that I did need,
To give me the courage and the power to succeed,
And yet although I stumbled and so many times did fall,
Our love did hold the answer for our love did conquer all.