Where is Christmas that holy night when a star shone out
so clear and bright.
Where is Christmas when a child was born and there in a
manger he lay meek and forlorn.
Where is Christmas with sherpherds and kings with beautiful angles
on silken wings.
Have we forgotten this Christmas story or do we just think it is full of pomp and glory; yes a king was born but he had no crown and his palace was a stable in Bethlehem Town.
There were no trumpets to the sound of his birth, although he was king of all kings to rule over the earth.
He had no gifts of white steeds to ride, just a lamb and a donkey
that lay by is side; with Christmas tidings brought from a far by
by kings and sherperds that followed a star
So where is Christmas this one of long ago, is it forfotten or do we really want to know.
We light up our homes with celebration in mind and every year we
think is Christmas becoming a bind.
We must stop and think and show some compasion and stop
spending money as if it is going out of fashion.Lets look at
Christmas and set this story in our hearts
before it is lost forever and it's meaning departs.
Christmas is a time for giving because the Lord gave us his son
so let the celebration of his birth be second to none.
sylvia spencer