Why do I remain friends with you?
Writing this poem I have nothing to loose
I got a rope around my neck
And you’re tightening the noose
Me or you I just don’t know who
Is responsible for us becoming like this
Our relationship use to be nothing but bliss
The early stages are the moments I miss
But this, what we are now what we’ve become
There’s no space in my heart for you absolutely none
I know I’ve changed your not the only one
The root of my problem is a woman called mum
But f*** family this isn’t what I’m here for
I’m here to remind you what we was like before
When we first met we would talk & talk & then some more,
But now when we talk for you it seems like a chore
I can’t believe you were someone I adored
And now I can’t look at you anymore
I can’t hate you though no matter how hard I try I cant not even a bit
My anger for you comes from another place you’re not the cause of it
I got problems in my head and people in my face
Just know ill always care for you that won’t be replaced
It’s just where we were so close there’s now a bit more space.
Kaspa Richards