2014-11-07 16

I dwell on the shoreline so warm and so sheltered,
I'm drawn to the archway that leads to the sea,
Lit by the rays of the sunlight that's shining,
A way to the ocean a way to be free.
A frame to the beauty that lies far beyond it,
That reaches to heaven and God's loving hand.

Such peace I do find in this haven of beauty,
The crests seem to glisten like diamonds that shine,
Moving in motion they're rising and falling,
Casting their spell on the waters divine.
And as I gaze in awe on such wonderful sights,
My heart does belong to this magical land.

Sapphire and placid the sea is so calming,
So gentle the waves on the shingle lined shore,
The sound of seagulls that soar high above me,
Over the coast and towards Durdle Door.
Sculptured by time and a gate to the future,
But dreams always end as the stones turn to sand.