Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus,
the most precious name I know;
His love and mercy follows me,
where ever in life I go.
I feel his hand of love,
I sense his guiding grace;
I found the meaning my life needs,
in his sacred place.
This sacred place I speak of,
you enter in through prayer;
When ever in life you need the Lord,
he is always there!
As a friend who loves and cares,
so very much for you;
And he truely understands,
all you are going through.
He understands the sorrows,
that pleauge your life today;
He knows the trials and temptations,
that are in your way.
He knows the desires of the flesh,
for the plesures of sin;
He knows the desires of the heart,
to want to live for him.
The answers to the problems,
in life you face today;
Is to live for Jesus Christ,
and walk his holy way.
You can do this by comeing before,
Gods holy sacred place;
Just bow your head, open your heart,
and recive Gods holy grace.
Then you will sing these words with me,
as on through life you go;
Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus,
the most precious name I know!
Dwayne Bailey