In the silence of my emptiness
My emotions were unrest.
Yearning for that warmth
Among these people
That surrounded me.
With only this pad and ink,
To read my agonies,
But nobody was here
To listen to my story.
Vividly I remembered,
It was indeed farewell
On that eleventh month
Of second semester.
They walked away
Then you walked in,
But you were just
An unfamiliar face
Staring strangely at me.
It was 'Hello Loneliness! '
Haunting me once again
Until a big lightning bolt
That resembles you
Came up to me
And said 'Hi Joyce! '
And that started it all.
Still in awe,
In wonder; I almost fall
How were you able
To elicit my words
I've longed choked
Out of doubt
And rejection?
Still I'm shy,
But can we just bind like a tie?
Trying to figure out
That one missing rhyme,
Of your friendship
I finally found
That kisses all my worries
Marie Joyce B. Negapatan