Three ducks pecked around
In a garden one warm day
They wore beautiful coats
Of white feathers to display
They primped and they pampered
These coats of pure white
Their strutting and flapping
Created quite a sight
It was a lovely summer day
And they adored the warm sun
Just three little ducks
Searching for a bit of fun
But it grew hotter and hotter
Oh dear, it was warm
If they didn’t find water
Could it do them some harm?
They might find a stream
Or a small pond would do
But when they could find none
They started to stew
Finally they came across
A child’s small pool
They plopped in immediately
Their mom raised no fool
So my friend, please remember
If you feel something’s amok
At your child’s wading pool
You may find 3 white ducks!
Marilyn Lott