A boy in teens got up at four
In the morning to sell
Newspapers in the area
To make a living
And go to school,
Studying very hard,
His father dead and
Fisherman uncle bringing
Him up giving words
Of encouragement he never
Forgot climbed the steps
Of colleges doing his
Engineering and joining
A foremost venture,
To become a leader
A motivator, and a mentor,
To lauch rockets and satellite
From a country so poor
To feed all the populace,
And became the President
Of the country, while forgetting
to marry and raise children,
But his love for them
Prevailed and soft words
Of advice flowed from
His wise tounge, ardently
Listened to and followed
By one and all, becoming
An Icon in his own times,
Who else but Abdul Kalam
The great teacher of India.
Ravikiran Arakkal