Bob Blackwell - In My Garden

2014-11-07 11

I watch as the days brightness alters
from sunrise, sunset, nightfall,
to when the moon and stars light up,
and I can see the Milky Way.

I watch the seasons change from
spring growth, to summer heat,
autumn leaves, winter rot with
rain, sun, wind, frost, and snow.

I study, ants, worms, slugs and snails.
Leaves, buds, trees and flowers;
bees, wasps, white bellied sunbirds,
and many butterflies stop for nectar.

But most of all as I sit in my garden,
I feel angry, sad, confused, when I think,
how man persecutes man, and stamps
him under foot to break his will.

How his power corrupts,
his laws cheat, and
his desires tempt him, to steal,
murder, rape, abuse and wound.

How his beliefs, ideas, and dogma’s;
separate, judge, blame, confuse,
causing hurt, harm, even wars, so
his love wasted, and his charity ignored.

How his belief might is right, allows
governmental avarice, politician’s spin,
and leaders lies to make wars, in which
thousands die, and millions come to hate.

How his miasma blocks out truth, hope
new optimism, a talk of peace,
freedom cries ignored, and answers given
shrouded with false reasons for not ending war.

Relaxing in my spring garden full of hope,
surrounded by lovely flowering shrubs,
I mostly hear the black crows cry but
have just one wish, that a red eyed dove brings
peace, commonsense, love, understanding,
and compassion to the people of our world.

Bob Blackwell