Sometimes I wonder what it's like
to be you - eagerly seeking out
new poems of mine and of some others, too;
triumphantly scoring them a 1,
or if they're scored already 10,
then, zap! it's down to 5.5;
or if it's already so enjoyed, it's scored two 10s,
zap! got it down to 7.0...
have a go at this one, while
it's still unscored...
the superscription calls it 'user rating' -
how can you rate it when you've haven't 'used' it?
just abused it? (You'd score it 0
or -10 if they allowed it...)
what really saddens me is that
you can't distinguish between
a bad poem and a bad poem about goodness..
so when you 1 my next poem, does that signify
the narrowness of my mind, or of yours?
Sometimes I wonder if you write
poetry of your own; and whether
your poetry improves, or worsens,
as you demote on your own private scale,
the poems of others...?
Now that's a serious thought.
Michael Shepherd