If you were here with me
Would act as more than friends
Would we lie apon my roof
Would we just look at the stars
If you and I were up there
Would you forget about the world
And everything within
If there were a noise
Would you hold and comfort me
If there was movement
Would you allow me to hide beneath
Would you want to be with me
Would you want to be alone
Could you and I just be
If you were here
With me right now
Would we take a walk
Together in the woods
If there were a clearing
Would you lead me to it
Where we could just be together
If you were here
Would we forget about what could have been
Could we focus on the present
Rather than the past or near future
Would you want time to go slow
Or would you want it to just get ever with
Do you really want to be anything more than friends
Do you like me
Or do you love me
Do you care about me
More than just a friend would
Do we know what love is
Or do we just want to be together
Forever and ever
You said you loved clear nights
And being alone
Would you still enjoy them with me
Were you serious when you said
You wanted be lay on my roof
Just you and I
Up there with no worry at all
Just laying
Gazing at the stars
Just me and you
Did you really want to be mine
Do you want me to just leave you alone
The truth hurts
Yet does it set us free
Could we ever be
Lovers with no fear
If you were here
Charlsy Soccer Chick