This is for a good friend of mine, who’s really gotten sick
I don’t really know her that well, but you might, her name is Cari Vick
I know right now she’s scared, because she doesn’t know what’s wrong
I’m already starting to miss her, and she hasn’t even been gone that long
The doctors say she needs her rest, and to this, I firmly agree
I worry everyday when I log on, and her name, I do not see
I haven’t been here on this site, but just a day or so
When a comment appeared on my poetry, and a note that said hello
I’ve read many a poets writes, and the comments left behind
I’ve yet to find a remark left by her, that’s ever been unkind
I know she is a special lady, you can feel it in her lovely writes
Her words she puts in portray, express such beautiful sights
I may be outta character here, but I’ll do everything I can
Cuz when your feeling down and out, I’m here to lend a hand
Even if it’s just a few simple words, to brighten up your day
I’ll be the friend to pick you up, I’m genuine, and I’m here to stay
I know everything will be alright, I just feel it in my heart
But I’m really going to miss you words, and the way you turn them to art
So get well soon Miss Cari Vick, and know you’re in my prayers
This is just a little friendly note, from one poet, who really cares
(Written for Cari-From a Friend)
Poison 9901