Barbara Haskell - Memories of You

2014-11-07 2

Memories of you,
always so close to the surface,
well up within me,
in the spring and summer.
The smell of newly grown flowers,
butterflies in the fields,
the sun reflected on a glassy ocean,
a seagull flying the crest of a wave,
clear blue skies
and a late setting sun-
all signs of our beginning.

As I gaze on that glassy ocean,
I reflect on what we were
and what we would have become.
Sharing a life full of love,
where laughter abounds
and desire is expressed by merely a touch.
The flowing of tears, bound by hugs,
all feelings expressed with you,
in us.

I could have had all that,
but I flunked the test,
given by the power's that be
and everyday, I feel the regret.

Barbara Haskell