Lying in a euphoric state, a tremendous heat appeared penetrating every nerve and vein. An explosion erupted setting the core afire
bursting into invisible flames, yet I remained frozen unable to move.
Suddenly a figure appeared, stood very still, twas a most amazing sight. His face was dressed with compassion while a light ore His body shone bright. Draped in the finest of fabrics, with a look of divinity, He extended his arm toward me, gently placing His finger on my forehead. My fear quickly faded for I was touched by the Son of God.
Jesus spoke in a soothing tenor’s voice assuring me all would be well. He motioned come, my spirit rose, we soared together ore field and water. I looked back and saw myself lying on the bed, Jesus motioned, come ahead. An Angel took me by the hand while
Jesus stood among a huge cumulus cluster of white, soft clouds.
A dove appeared and slowly perched on his shoulder, a sight to be seen.
Jesus opened his mouth as if to speak but the words did not come,
instead a steady flow of syllables and musical notes came out of
his mouth and spilled on the soft white clouds. He smiled and looked at me with such love, while the syllables and notes continued to spill and dance around his feet. It was then, I woke from a very deep, deep sleep.
Wow! ! ! I exclaimed, as I sat up in my bed, I smiled, took a deep breath and held on to my head. Peace, tranquility and happiness
mingled, I felt warm and content, my dream was Heaven sent.
Written: Oct.6,2007
Melvina Germain