David Knox - The chronicles of a poem a day part 1 the beginning

2014-11-07 2

To me this is no chore
ah no not at all hardly a bore
for me this is life
this is my deal let there not be strife
as you read my poem a day
but comment and try to say
some nice things if you please
for this would appease
me and let me know of my expertise
if i am to have any
hopefull enough to one day have a poem worth more then a penny
but this is where i start if i do not
get 365 parts and am caught
before i am done or i simply do not meet the quota to write
then i was not right
to start but this is my pledge to try
i am here to say as well that i will have sub-sections i do not deny
it the first will be the break-away
starting not today
but probably tomorrow or soon i will let you know
and once it starts each poem will
show a different type of technique or structure
if you grow tired of my end rhyme ^^

David Knox
