Ted Sheridan - Osama Bin Laden Goes Blonde...And Is Dumber Than Britney Spears

2014-11-07 5

Osama Bin Laden with your 'Just For Men' dyed beard and your neatly pressed robes
Did you ever stop to think that your followers are 'infidels'
Who are willing to blow themselves up for nothing
Infidels who serve no real god....but only you
You who is not a god but an angel of death and destruction
You who is not a brave soldier or freedom fighter
But rather a dog, a cowardly dog, and a b^stard dog
A dog who sh^ts where he eats as you are one who so willing kills
Your own precious people
A dog who is all bark and no bite as you sit there smug and safe in your Iranian house
Thinking you are too smart to be found in Pakistan
Believing you are immortal and cannot be killed
Yet unable to see or hear
The $50 million dollar bullet coming with your name on it....

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Ted Sheridan


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