Cretan Maineiac - Absentee Landlords

2014-11-07 0

The General's report on the
surge takes
a back seat to Britney's

mother-of-two paunch and lip-synch
malfunction, on
the alphabet channels, slick diversion from

crumbling drywall, cracked windows, un-
locked doors &
even the fire escape's broken. Who's

minding the House &
Senate? The
critiques were written ahead of the

facts, general and mother harpooned, each loath to
blame our
duly elected scapegoat-in-chief in our rose garden. We

absentee landlords,
housed in
denial- 'there

oughta' be a
Law' & 'since
when? -'

fashionably ignorant plebes pleased to know
the shadows wild weeds of neglect will throw.

Cretan Maineiac

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