The long slow sound of a cello
The slow long draw of the bow
softly and long in the morning
the melody long and slow
Awake in the early morning
instruments all 'round your bed
A base and an oboe and cello
the music is inside your head
The strings and the woodwind
Together. Now just the oboes alone
So soft and so long in the morning
the melody long and slow
Drifting along with the music
neither awake nor asleep
A base and an oboe and cello
Sheet music all over the sheet
Saxophones move to the centre
An alto sax presumes to lead
Clarinets enter from nowhere
Clarinets always succeed
Drifting away now on grace notes
Oboes masquerading as trees
Harmonies high on a hillside
music conducting the breeze
Moments and minutes are muffled
Whiteouts among the daydreams
A semi-breve rest on a high note
blissfully followed by these..
The long slow sounds of a cello
the slow long draw on the bow
softly and long in the morning
the melody long and slow
Sean Joyce