He can be heard howling with the jowls of a madman throughout the Outback and who in a self imposed and painful reclusion is trying to escape his own insanity as he writes with racist undertones his epitaph on the snot and nicotine soaked walls of his Aborigine landlord's hut where he shares the sacred land with the desperate and whining Dingoes who now drag off the carcasses of his aborted life's work as the Vultures stare and hang upside down in the trees like so many bats in Oz awaiting the miserable façade and hypocrisy to die and then provide a place for flies to lay their eggs and where the maggots might mature to breed even more such decadence and sorrow less a beware someone cuts out this piece of his barren heart and buries it in a shallow hole covered with the stones this madman throws....
2007 © T Sheridan
Ted Sheridan