There are many things in my own life, That I don’t understand - things like,
How chance comes, and how chance goes, and how it all slips through our hands.
So I take a look around me, I see people shaking hands;
I see people breaking promises and I see people making plans.
But now the sails are up at half mast, they’re heading towards home.
Tears flowing at the drive-in, we’re all so sorry to see you go.
I hear the crowd singing your song, about the battle in which you died.
Just young boys playing soldier, standing side by side.
So when you hear a minute’s silence, and you see through black of night,
Remember how we used to promise that our dreams would soon take flight.
Bravado, courage and angst were seen as only better fuel
For our minds, so young and fresh, and against the wind we pulled.
Yet still, the sails are now at half mast, they’re heading towards home;
Dreams shattered at the harbours we fled from not so long ago.
Still the crowd sings on and words have now been written to this tune, yet -
An injustice in the air; your words were written far too soon.
Mark Andrew Hogg