Margaret Alice - Kept His Eyes On The Beauty Within

2014-11-07 1

I have a lovely nephew, a handsome young man,
divorce settlement entered his life in excruciating
trauma – he spoke of unjust demands, his desire
for revenge;

How he wished her ill in attacks of bitterness,
how he would never trust another girl in all the
universe; how he explained to women that his
house was HIS;

He would never succumb to marriage again - where
an ex-wife goes off with so many things that were
only given within the context of wedded bliss,
feeling like theft without it;

Once the ties were severed he was astounded by how
much leeway she was allowed by the law – and would
make sure he never suffered like that again – then
he remembered:

She did not have a large income like him and the car
she had taken would fall to pieces eventually; what joy
could he have if she were starving; when he let go of
his anger -

When he wished her well in all honesty, he would be on
his way to new relationships that would bring him love
and fulfillment; though he suffered betrayal; release
lies in forgiveness

In the freedom of joy; the decision to trust lovingly
once he was sure of love with integrity – with bright,
happy eyes, excited about the glorious potential of life;
he would be the happiest of men

Truly a hero - the world was his oyster and he could
conquer ladies galore - as long as he kept his eyes
on the beauty within!

Margaret Alice

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