GHOST WRITER - Missed opportunities….

2014-11-07 4

Last night I had an early night
In bed by nine
All was ok
My world was fine

The phone rang at 12
A friend needs a place to stay
Who am I to deny him
To turn him away

So out of bed I crawled
At the stroke of midnight
To welcome an old friend
Oh, what a dear sight

We had a thing in the past
A lovely fling
He never stayed in touch
Just wasn’t his thing

An uneventful night
Him on the sofa and me in bed
Next morning we had coffee
And goodbye we said

Here I finally get a man in my house
And the only reason was for a bed
I suppose it’s more than I have had for a while
So I should not be upset

But I feel I came so close
To feeling alive again
Just to watch him leave
And being alone again….

Aug 07


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