Ted Sheridan - Pottymouth Tinkles Like A Slow Bladder

2014-11-07 0

She draws on everyone’s positive energy like a corroded ground wire siphoning off and stealing each ampere of electricity and sending them into a blackened hole reportedly that of her own mind where it becomes just another wasted and unrecorded unit of nothingness and then after thirty one days she tallies them up and sends you a past due notice in the mail for lack of creativity in so much as you failed to procure any original words in your attempted stab at pinning the tail on the donkey….
Let us examine the meaning of “original word” and “creative word”, pray tell us all, great poet and scholar that you are what are they if not the same as every other word which could randomly be shoveled out of that pee hole you call a brain….

2007 © T Sheridan

Ted Sheridan
