David N. Degnan - A Night Sky...

2014-11-07 1

As night comes to pass
over my home, my land,
I find myself here,
Alone I stand.
The moonlit earth
Surrounds, engulfs me.
I find in no place other
I'd rather be.
The moon to me,
Fells so empowering.
It's mysterious light
Now showering
Upon me.
I see
Peace of mind.
A place where free, I ride.
I long to fly
In a night sky.

Stars gleam,
So far away...
Only to vanish
With each new day.
Though they return
always as night falls,
Giants so large, in the sky
Seem so very small.
Make the map, in the sky.
For nightly travelers wand’ring
And give life to
Night creatures that sing.

In Nature so kind,
I always find
My peace of mind.
Free I ride,
Alone I fly,
In the night sky…

David N. Degnan


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