Michael Shepherd - ! The unity of all things

2014-11-07 2

The unity of all things
is a belief which some
would consider pointless;

others might regard,
as insidious; suspect a lurking
hidden agenda; some
might says it’s useless and unproveable,

declare pathetic fallacy, and hurry on
to life’s more pressing details and specifics;

I can only say that there are things
so useful to the mind, although
they cannot be proved;

I’ll say that holding this concept,
this glorious possibility, in the mind
makes one more inquisitive, be it
journalist or writer, or simply
human being: seeking always
the causes of all things beyond
what they profess to be;

so too for poets, swimming in a sea
of metaphor – of all things joined
in one more radiant meaning which lights up
the life of every thing; as when
a housewife dusts and polishes
a room into a home; bestows
her being on our space;

the unity of all things
makes space for all things;
Creation promises some order;
behind the smaller things, the greater;

a place for grace, for ordered life,
for hope, and charity, and love;

a boundless place; a grace;
a graceful space.

Michael Shepherd
