Melissa Coventry - * Remembered in rest, lest we forget.

2014-11-07 2

Lest we forget,
Of our fore fathers,
And their efforts
To protect us,
That took their lives,
Immortal now in rest.

Us the youngsters,
So few now pay their respects,
Untouched, uncaring,
Of what took place,
In ages past,
In years ago
Lest we forget.

Yet the few veterans,
Those stand proud,
Of their efforts,
Of their countries
Standing up for their mates,
Who never made it home
Safe now in rest.

Tears swell,
The heart aches,
For those mothers,
Wives and siblings,
For those brothers,
Fathers and sons,
Boys fast turned to men.
Lest we forget.

Generation to generation,
Few vet soldiers each time,
Only some see their silent cries,
See the pain in their eyes.
Understand of what they did,
Saw and overcome,
To protect us all,
Forever in hearts of their loved ones.

Remembered in rest,
Lest we forget.

Melissa Coventry