David Taylor - Life's Passing Pageant

2014-11-07 2

There is a gentle rain this morning
just like a moistness of heavens eyes
a sadness that lacks the force to cry.
And behind a whiteish tint of grey
the sun is waiting to burst through soft haze
a little later in the coming day.

The noon day sun shines on all around
it builds up heat here on the ground
so that the clouds are laden, filled.
Later to burst with ferocious shaking sound
and light up the sky with forked flashes
rashly darting earthward bound.

As the sun sets behind a torn and ravaged sky
like the light that shines in elders’ eyes
full of the colours of life’s rich passing pageant
The days events writ large in crimson hearts
that witnessed life’s fullness of diversity in parts
to reach an end that quietly slips away
below the fixed horizon of our days.

David Taylor


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