Corey Threet - Domestic Abuse (c) 8-12-07

2014-11-07 4

Thrown to the floor punched, slapped, and bruised
Give me all your stuff is another way to be abused
Being verbally raped with the words that will never be forgiven
Smacked in the face so much you just want to stop livin
Talked to like a lowly child and to him or her you serve
You wish you could just break away this is not what you deserve
You think the days of slavery is over but you're living it today
Then when they're down you they try to kiss you but you push away
But that was a bad move now you're about to get a beaten
Now it's like your dreams of a great marriage has been devoured and eaten
He talks to very unkindly she laughs at you in your face
He hits at you she spits at you and you want to leave that place
The ragin beast has been unleashed and again let loose
If this is what you undergo you're a victim of Domestic abuse
But cheer up everything will be ok and you don't need a gun
All it takes is to press the emergency numbers 911

Corey Threet