Bob Blackwell - Regular Morning

2014-11-07 4


Alarm rings, eyes open,
sleepy, half awake,
body stretches, aches,
mouth dry, head fuzzy,
bed is warm, feels good.

Rise, wash, shower,
clean teeth, shave,
coffee, life returns.

shirt, a tie,
some pants, a belt,
socks, shoes,
a jacket on,
ready now.

Outside, sun rising,
eyes blink, garage open
car starts, its cold.
Remote press, gate opens,
in traffic drive is slow,
more stop than go,
a gap, change gear,
accelerate, overtake,
but progress slow.
Very early, winter sun,
still low, sunshade down.

On news, traffic tail back
up ahead. Change station
music now. Deviation,
truck turned over, move to left
new road, change radio station.

News again, war still on.
Suicide bomb, people killed.
Freeway closed, truck has lost its load.
Woman raped, baby raped.
Fraud exposed, people robbed,
earthquake, flood, a fire, a hurricane.
Court appearance for important man,
a prisoner escapes, a car high jacked.

Traffic moves, turn left, now right,
go straight, watch for turning,
turn left again, drive through the gate,
left, straight then right, arrive at work.

Park, take briefcase, lock car,
walk to work, greet colleagues,
have coffee, talk, stress retreats.

Nothing changes.

Every morning,
same routine,
wake, rise,
wash, dress, coffee, car,
drive to work, traffic bad,
some delay, news the same.

Life is fun?

Bob Blackwell