They made so many memories,
some of them untold, yet almost all enjoyed.
Their last mements together were
not so lovely, some of them devastatingly sad.
Still she thanks God for all of them...
even their last one that broke her heart.
She thanks Him because now he is free of pain.
Although she pleaded to let her story book
Love not die and for him to be healthy again,
fasting and praying until the bitter end.
She lost her long time husband to the grave.
One day when the pain of loss is not so fresh,
when her account of their hopes and dreams
are no longer of this earth because she too is gone.
When one day she is by Jerrys side flying high again.
Their Love will still go down in history and it will go on.
It has and will with stand the test of time as a
Splendid most beautiful Love story...
their Love is to be admired and remembered,
for it was and still is a Love to be learned from,
a Love to be duplicated in its entirety,
for theirs was tested and still through health and
in sickness it still stands on its True.
(July 22nd 2007/Written for Fran williams in memory of my wonderful cousen Jerry Williams who passed away on July 21st of this year...)
Shelley L Baxter