William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr. - Essence Of A Woman

2014-11-07 3

A womans essence is not in her presence or her countenance
It lies in between all that is seen and deep recesses of her heart.
A portal Life’s way to bring forth its progeny,
Makes life what it’s s’posed to be.
Her purpose: to carry love to the world through the product of her pangs of labor.
Her wisdom’s innate will never abate in teaching us lessons of life.
In life she stands proud and tall as can be, though humbled by strife from the labors of life,
Her love never ceases to be.

Her body a shrine, lips taste like wine, her love is intoxicating…
She’ll make your heart soar and make you want more of the love she has to give.
Selfless and mindful always trying to be the best mother and lover that she can be
She’ll weather all scorn, while her hands are worn from the chores of daily life
But she’ll never stop loving those she holds dear in her heart.

Taken for granted when it’s not wanted she complains little or not
She just keeps on going when strong winds are blowing,
Her love keeps her spirit sharp.
Her voice will caress your heart in distress, give you respite when you are down.
She will nurture your soul, help make you whole, make you laugh at your self.
She‘s an angel fair, will always be there with love for you deep in her heart.

A womans essence is not in her presence or her countenance
It lies in between all that is seen and deep recesses of her heart.
You know what it may be and what it is not, it’s only what heaven begot!
Love …. pure love, it is all that she can give. So now you see.........

Love is the essence of the woman whose presence is in your life each day.
So … Honor her and love her each day as she selflessly takes care of you!

William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr.
