Ted Sheridan - Between Wal-Mart and Kingdom Come

2014-11-07 23

I went to the store with the list my wife gave me
She told me not to buy anything but what she had said
I was very disappointed to see only the staples
Like that of whole grain bread and Smart Balance Spread
Screw the cancer eating through my head
Got to keep that ticker healthy
So that somewhere...someday very soon....they can hospice me
In a plastic covered chair with my drool cup hanging
Around my old wrinkled turkey neck....(Why is turkey neck on this list?
Must be for some stock) .....
Catching my every whispered word as they escape
Between the empty space where my lower teeth used to fit
Nowhere on that paper did I see the word 'ammunition'
There were no razor blades, knives or even a pair of cheap scissors
Nothing with which one could bring harm to oneself....
I sometimes wonder if she knows what I'm thinking
Before I think it.....


Ted Sheridan
