I was thinking about you today
And I do that a lot it seems
You're always in my heart by day
At night you float into my dreams.
As far as the ocean is wide
Through miles and miles of sea;
You will be someone special
A true miracle to me.
As high upon the mountain tops
As high as one can climb;
You will be so dear to me
The best friend I can find.
As many stars that twinkle
Throughout the heavens above
You will be a a bright reminder
Of what it means to love.
I cannot shake these feelings for you,
But then I'd never had a desire to.
The blessing of our love and friendship
Is something I want to share with you.
I want to feel you near me,
When you're so far away
I hope you feel me in your heart
As you travel your path today.
Footprints in the sands of time
Walking closer towards each other
Holding hands and sharing love
Which will not be meant for another
These are some of the memories
That come with thoughts of you
These feelings are from my very heart
And something you can hold as true.