Max Reif - (......01july20) In a Minor Key-Letter to Leonard Cohen*

2014-11-07 24

Dear Leonard Cohen,

Strumming and singing
my favorite songs of yours,
all from your first couple albums,

still eases me into
a vantage point
nothing else I know
has ever approached,

a place in my heart
nothing else has reached.

Yes, it is salted with tears,
but the tears
make everything green there
shine with unearthly beauty,
and reveal somehow the holiness
of all the lost souls.

I have no clue
by what alchemy
you are able
to sing sorrow

in a way that brings
such a stillness,
such a sense of beauty,
if not joy.

*note: for anyone curious (I already got one e-mail query, and I'm happy to share) , my 'top 6' are:

'A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes'
'Seems So Long Ago, Nancy'
'So Long, Marianne'
'Stories of the Street'
'Stranger Song' and
'Story of Isaac'...

I think there's no rhyme or reason in it, or thyme either, which is what I typed originally, except personal experience and associations.

Max Reif