Jack took his magic top hat off the rack.
He placed it over a pretty old rat
The rat jumped around and around
Jacks friends saw the jumping hat.
Jack said it was magic, a real magic hat.
Jacks mom came home, she saw the
Jumping hat, thought it was just a trick.
How clever Jack must be.
Jack told her it was a magic hat
and went outside to play
Come get your hat his Mom exclaimed
as she bent down to pick it up.
She saw the rat, her mouth opened wide,
as she screamed and screamed and screamed.
She fell back on the table, a chair fell over.
Her hand knocked the kettle off the stove.
She tried to get up but kept slipping down
Screaming all the while.
Jack and his friends heard all the commotion
and ran into the woods.
Jacks mom got up made it to the door
slipping again and again, finally fell out the door
onto the wooden steps, losing her footing and
down she went, down those rugged old steps
falling to the ground. She knew they heard
every sound. Yelling over and over for Jack
to come home but she never saw his face.
Her heart beating faster and faster as she took
deep breaths trying to contain herself.
Then she began to laugh realizing how foolish
she must look. A grown woman afraid of a
little old rat. She relaxed and thought, my my
boys will be boys. She stood up and
brushed herself off, went back into the
house and thought I’ll need to find
that rat trap for that big old ugly rat. She
laughed and laughed and laughed.
Written: July 12,2007
Melvina Germain