Melvina Germain - (568) A Created Memory

2014-11-07 4

Walking barefoot in the sand
basking in the early morning sun,
I felt at peace with the stillness of
a quiet Sunday. Enjoying my surroundings
and the warmth of the day
My senses peaked by a faint scent
of fish filtering through the air. The feel
of a slight drizzle touched my nose every
now and then. I felt the grit of the sand
giving my feet natures gentle massage
and enjoyed every step of the way.
The sea breeze caressed my naked body,
offering me a feeling of tranquility. This is
my place, my special place, alone at
peace with nature, enjoying every moment,
The sand dollars and starfish were plentiful
and strategically laid along the shoreline,
natures free gifts from the ocean. An artistic
design placed on each sand dollar and only
nature can take the credit for its beauty A
smile came on my face and at that point I
realized how blessed I was to be here this
day in this place at this time. Another
treasured and a created memory to place
in my heart.

Written: July 15,2007

Melvina Germain