Ted Sheridan - God Called And Wanted To Reschedule

2014-11-07 0

A pragmatist by nature and design
I was a square peg forced into a round hole
by years of hammering....
I was a seed who sprouted from the earth
and then stunted by the locust and the drought
I was born again and saved a thousand times in Jesus
till I got hooked on the taste of wine....
A naïve realist at heart
I have always believed God to be real
And then I met the Devil who confirmed it for me....
We met in a sleazy bar one night...somewhere in Philadelphia...
Charles Bukowski was in the booth behind us
And he had just signed on the dotted line
When suddenly he disappeared...
I later found out where he had gone...poems and all
Nothing I or anyone could do to help the poor bastard
Life is full of other peoples problems....
Far too many for God, you, or me to try and solve
It is for this reason I believe I was created in God's image....
For while I have an eye for detail
I was also blessed with his deaf ear.....

2007 © T Sheridan

Ted Sheridan
