Florida Angel - Mom, Mom...Would you Buy Me a Friend?

2014-11-07 2

Sick I was on that night in my bedroom
already one of my own, when I was 5 years old.
Though it was already, teaching myself to grow,
So much had already happened,
In only 5 years of early life.

The Heavy headaches from no explainable reason,
Would bring me high fever, and tough it would get to breath.
Mom, Mom, I used to call...Until into my room she would come
in the middle of the night, out of her own bed and dreams,
to come and hold my hands and stay with me for a little while.

If five I was, she was then 27 years old...
God, I am now 34 years old, older than what she was then...
In my early ages memories...Back to the past...

On those long heave headed high fever nights,
my mind flying a little crazy would go,
because of the high fever, just words spelled out,
not much thought put into them...

My Mom, before leaving back to her room, then asks to me:
- Is there anything else I can make for you my love,
so you can feel better and rest in Peace?

Yes Mom, Please! Mom, Would you buy me a Friend?

(Still sick, I was able to make my Mom Smile, in my own way to say Thank You and still express my feelings, then there I was searching for an equal...A kid like me.....From the 6th Floor,368 Rua Jose do Patrocinio, Apt.602, Ed. Palazzo di Roma, Grajau, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil~ sometime around 1977)

Florida Angel
