TR Jones - Two Roads Diverge in a Yellow Wood

2014-11-07 25

Two roads diverge in a yellow wood
And there I have stood
Right where Mr. Frost once was
In this same spot I take a pause
Because both roads have never been used
And the road to here has been abused
But each road before me is dark and unknown
I don't want to continue on this path alone
So which road is the best choice for me
And which is littered with the least debris
The debris of my own battered and torn heart
This road is always tearing it apart
But now of these two roads before me
Which of these roads will guarantee
A happy passage with the least amount of pain
Happiness is what I look to obtain
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
Here I have too long stood
But I still don't know which way is best
And there is only one way to test
So I take off down one of these roads
Not a second before my heart would explode
Just help me, guide me through
Don't let me slip and fall on the dew
Maybe this road is the one
That cannot be out done
And maybe it will lead me to a place
Where all I see is your face
Two roads diverge in a yellow wood

TR Jones

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